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Understanding Back Pain

The spine has about 24 vertebrae with most vertebrae having three joints. One joint is a disc and the other two are joints just like your finger joints that are synovial, called facet joints. When we imbricate our facet joints of the spine as suggested by Horrigan in a condition called Facet Arthrosis, pain can be generated. The spine has 6 different pain mediators. Pain killers affect 2 or sometimes 3 different types of pain mediator. Meaning that pain killers have little or no effect on some body pains.

Imbrication is akin to stubbing your joints over and over, eventually leading to facet arthrosis, creating an inflammatory condition deep in your body. The spinal joints are surrounded by other tissues that can be pain sensitive and also be part of mixed up motor sensory nerve signals. If you do nothing (called natural history) back pain will likely resolve in about 6 weeks. Pain modifying drugs can help to take the edge off of your symptoms but not always. I’ll often see people at the return of their symptoms as back pains once had are likely to reoccur.


Brain Training


Getting bodywork helps prevent the accumulation of injuries that can occur when left to natural history. An accumulation that ingrains poor posture or tight musculature. A psychological impact of (natural history) having pain in the body for over three weeks means that you become more sensitive to pain in the same area in the future.

At Fascia First Chiropractic we look to provide your brain with sensory information about your body to help your brain change, through the medium of touch . Once the right touch ‘language’ is used then your brain will better understand your body enabling the same old same old to be just that, old! Start to train your brain today and book your consultation now.

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